
How to Use Microsoft Co-pilot for All Office Applications

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A Guide to Enhance Your Productivity and Creativity with AI-powered Writing Assistant 


Microsoft Co-pilot is a new feature that helps you write faster and better in various office applications. It uses artificial intelligence to generate relevant and high-quality suggestions based on your context and intent. You can use Co-pilot to create emails, documents, presentations, chats, and more with ease and confidence. 

In this document, you will learn how to use Co-pilot for the following Microsoft 365 office applications: 

  • Teams 
  • Outlook 
  • M365 Chat 
  • Word 
  • PowerPoint 
  • Excel 

For each application, you will find a brief overview, a list of features, and a step by step guide on how to use Co-pilot. 


Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that allows you to chat, call, meet, and share files with your colleagues and external partners. You can use Co-pilot to enhance your communication and collaboration in Teams. 

Some of the features of Co-pilot for Teams are: 

  • Auto-complete: Co-pilot can help you complete your sentences as you type in the chat or compose box. You can press the Tab key to accept the suggestion or the Esc key to dismiss it. 
  • Smart reply: Co-pilot can suggest relevant and concise responses to the messages you receive in Teams. You can click on the suggestion or press the Enter key to send it. 
  • Content generation: Co-pilot can help you generate content for your messages, such as greetings, introductions, summaries, bullet points, and more. You can type a command in the chat or compose box, such as “/greet” or “/summarize”, and Co-pilot will generate the content for you. 
  • Grammar and style: Co-pilot can help you improve your grammar and style in your messages. It can detect and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, as well as suggest ways to make your writing more clear, concise, and engaging. 

To use Co-pilot for Teams, you need to follow these steps: 

  1. Open Teams and sign in with your Microsoft 365 account. 
  2. Select the chat or channel where you want to use Co-pilot. 
  3. Start typing in the chat or compose box and see how Co-pilot suggests completions, replies, or content for you. 
  4. Use the Tab, Esc, or Enter keys to accept or dismiss the suggestions, or click on them with your mouse. 
  5. Review your message before sending it and see how Co-pilot highlights and fixes any grammar or style issues. 
  6. Send your message and enjoy the benefits of Co-pilot. 


Outlook is an email and calendar application that helps you manage your personal and professional communications and schedules. You can use Co-pilot to enhance your email and calendar experience in Outlook. 

Some of the features of Co-pilot for Outlook are: 

  • Auto-complete: Co-pilot can help you complete your sentences as you type in the email body or subject line. You can press the Tab key to accept the suggestion or the Esc key to dismiss it. 
  • Smart reply: Co-pilot can suggest relevant and concise responses to the emails you receive in Outlook. You can click on the suggestion or press the Enter key to send it. 
  • Content generation: Co-pilot can help you generate content for your emails, such as greetings, introductions, summaries, bullet points, and more. You can type a command in the email body or subject line, such as “/greet” or “/summarize”, and Co-pilot will generate the content for you. 
  • Grammar and style: Co-pilot can help you improve your grammar and style in your emails. It can detect and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, as well as suggest ways to make your writing more clear, concise, and engaging. 
  • Calendar integration: Co-pilot can help you schedule meetings and events with your contacts in Outlook. It can suggest the best time and date for your meeting, based on your availability and preferences. It can also generate a meeting invitation and send it to your attendees. 

To use Co-pilot for Outlook, you need to follow these steps: 

  1. Open Outlook and sign in with your Microsoft 365 account. 
  2. Select the email or calendar item where you want to use Co-pilot. 
  3. Start typing in the email body, subject line, or calendar details and see how Co-pilot suggests completions, replies, or content for you. 
  4. Use the Tab, Esc, or Enter keys to accept or dismiss the suggestions, or click on them with your mouse. 
  5. Review your email or calendar item before sending it and see how Co-pilot highlights and fixes any grammar or style issues. 
  6. Send your email or calendar item and enjoy the benefits of Co-pilot. 

M365 Chat 

M365 Chat is a new application that allows you to chat with anyone in your organization or external network. You can use Co-pilot to enhance your chat experience in M365 Chat. 

Some of the features of Co-pilot for M365 Chat are: 

  • Auto-complete: Co-pilot can help you complete your sentences as you type in the chat box. You can press the Tab key to accept the suggestion or the Esc key to dismiss it. 
  • Smart reply: Co-pilot can suggest relevant and concise responses to the messages you receive in M365 Chat. You can click on the suggestion or press the Enter key to send it. 
  • Content generation: Co-pilot can help you generate content for your messages, such as greetings, introductions, summaries, bullet points, and more. You can type a command in the chat box, such as “/greet” or “/summarize”, and Co-pilot will generate the content for you. 
  • Grammar and style: Co-pilot can help you improve your grammar and style in your messages. It can detect and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, as well as suggest ways to make your writing more clear, concise, and engaging. 
  • File sharing: Co-pilot can help you share files with your contacts in M365 Chat. It can suggest the best files to share based on your context and intent. It can also generate a message to accompany your file. 

To use Co-pilot for M365 Chat, you need to follow these steps: 

  1. Open M365 Chat and sign in with your Microsoft 365 account. 
  2. Select the chat where you want to use Co-pilot. 
  3. Start typing in the chat box and see how Co-pilot suggests completions, replies, or content for you. 
  4. Use the Tab, Esc, or Enter keys to accept or dismiss the suggestions, or click on them with your mouse. 
  5. Review your message before sending it and see how Co-pilot highlights and fixes any grammar or style issues. 
  6. Send your message and enjoy the benefits of Co-pilot. 


Word is a word processing application that helps you create and edit documents for various purposes. You can use Co-pilot to enhance your document creation and editing in Word. 

Some of the features of Co-pilot for Word are: 

  • Auto-complete: Co-pilot can help you complete your sentences as you type in the document. You can press the Tab key to accept the suggestion or the Esc key to dismiss it. 
  • Content generation: Co-pilot can help you generate content for your document, such as titles, headings, paragraphs, bullet points, and more. You can type a command in the document, such as “/title” or “/paragraph”, and Co-pilot will generate the content for you. 
  • Grammar and style: Co-pilot can help you improve your grammar and style in your document. It can detect and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, as well as suggest ways to make your writing more clear, concise, and engaging. 
  • Formatting: Co-pilot can help you format your document, such as applying styles, fonts, colors, alignments, and more. You can type a command in the document, such as “/style” or “/font”, and Co-pilot will apply the formatting for you. 
  • Research: Co-pilot can help you research information for your document, such as facts, definitions, quotes, statistics, and more. You can type a command in the document, such as “/fact” or “/quote”, and Co-pilot will search the web and insert the information for you. 
  • Citations: Co-pilot can help you cite your sources for your document, such as books, articles, websites, and more. You can type a command in the document, such as “/cite” or “/bibliography”, and Co-pilot will generate the citation or bibliography for you. 

To use Co-pilot for Word, you need to follow these steps: 

  1. Open Word and sign in with your Microsoft 365 account. 
  2. Create a new document or open an existing one where you want to use Co-pilot. 
  3. Start typing in the document and see how Co-pilot suggests completions, content, or formatting for you. 
  4. Use the Tab, Esc, or Enter keys to accept or dismiss the suggestions, or click on them with your mouse. 
  5. Review your document and see how Co-pilot highlights and fixes any grammar or style issues. 
  6. Save your document and enjoy the benefits of Co-pilot. 


PowerPoint is a presentation application that helps you create and deliver slideshows for various purposes. You can use Co-pilot to enhance your presentation creation and delivery in PowerPoint. 

Some of the features of Co-pilot for PowerPoint are: 

  • Auto-complete: Co-pilot can help you complete your sentences as you type in the slide. You can press the Tab key to accept the suggestion or the Esc key to dismiss it. 
  • Content generation: Co-pilot can help you generate content for your slide, such as titles, headings, bullet points, and more. You can type a command in the slide, such as “/title” or “/bullet”, and Co-pilot will generate the content for you. 
  • Grammar and style: Co-pilot can help you improve your grammar and style in your slide. It can detect and correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors, as well as suggest ways to make your writing more clear, concise, and engaging. 
  • Design: Co-pilot can help you design your slide, such as applying themes, layouts, colors, animations, and more. You can type a command in the slide, such as “/theme” or “/layout”, and Co-pilot will apply the design for you. 
  • Images: Co-pilot can help you insert images for your slide, such as icons, photos, charts, and more. You can type a command in the slide, such as “/icon” or “/photo”, and Co-pilot will search the web and insert the image for you. 
  • Speaker notes: Co-pilot can help you write speaker notes for your slide, such as summaries, transitions, questions, and more. You can type a command in the speaker notes, such as “/summary” or “/question”, and Co-pilot will generate the speaker notes for you. 

To use Co-pilot for PowerPoint, you need to follow these steps: 

  1. Open PowerPoint and sign in with your Microsoft 365 account. 
  2. Create a new presentation or open an existing one where you want to use Co-pilot. 
  3. Start typing in the slide or speaker notes and see how Co-pilot suggests completions, content, or design for you. 
  4. Use the Tab, Esc, or Enter keys to accept or dismiss the suggestions, or click on them with your mouse. 
  5. Review your slide and see how Co-pilot highlights and fixes any grammar or style issues. 
  6. Save your presentation and enjoy the benefits of Co-pilot. 


Excel is a spreadsheet application that helps you organize, analyze, and visualize data for various purposes. You can use Co-pilot to enhance your data management and analysis in Excel. 

Some of the features of Co-pilot for Excel are: 

  • Auto-complete: Co-pilot can help you complete your formulas, functions, or references as you type in the cell. You can press the Tab key to accept the suggestion or the Esc key to dismiss it. 
  • Data generation: Co-pilot can help you generate data for your spreadsheet, such as numbers, dates, names, and more. You can type a command in the cell, such as “/number” or “/date”, and Co-pilot will generate the data for you. 
  • Data validation: Co-pilot can help you validate your data in your spreadsheet, such as checking for errors, duplicates, outliers, and more. You can type a command in the cell, such as “/error” or “/duplicate”, and Co-pilot will validate the data for you. 
  • Data analysis: Co-pilot can help you analyze your data in your spreadsheet, such as calculating statistics, creating charts, applying filters, and more. You can type a command in the cell, such as “/stat” or “/chart”, and Co-pilot will analyze the data for you. 
  • Data visualization: Co-pilot can help you visualize your data in your spreadsheet, such as creating dashboards, reports, maps, and more. You can type a command in the cell, such as “/dashboard” or “/map”, and Co-pilot will visualize the data for you. 
  • Data interpretation: Co-pilot can help you interpret your data in your spreadsheet, such as explaining trends, patterns, insights, and more. You can type a command in the cell, such as “/explain” or “/insight”, and Co-pilot will interpret the data for you. 

To use Co-pilot for Excel, you need to follow these steps: 

  1. Open Excel and sign in with your Microsoft 365 account. 
  2. Create a new workbook or open an existing one where you want to use Co-pilot. 
  3. Start typing in the cell and see how Co-pilot suggests completions, data, or analysis for you. 
  4. Use the Tab, Esc, or Enter keys to accept or dismiss the suggestions, or click on them with your mouse. 
  5. Review your cell and see how Co-pilot validates and interprets your data. 
  6. Save your workbook and enjoy the benefits of Co-pilot. 

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